Work Sucks!
Ok, so this week I totally got yelled at by someone that isn't my boss. In fact, I don't even work for them at all...they have no control over me. It was for stupid stuff that warranted a warning/reminder to begin with, but was not forthcoming. Anyway, long story short, I think I'll be up-ing the search for a real/alternate job so I no longer have to be the person these two entities around me fight over.
Also work related, I had an interview for an internship last week (monday) but it didn't seem to go as well as I would have liked. First off, I didn't realize that I was speaking with a woman via email and continually referred to her as Mr. On top of which I didn't realize until well after the interview so I couldn't even apologize! But whats worst of all, they wanted me, but for FREE! They couldn't pay me, at least now. She mentioned an opportunity to work on a contract job, but first they would have to get the bid. Anyway, I was really excited about this job and again I am let down. It's like God doesn't want me to have a job...
In other NON-work related news, it looks like Chris is going to be leaving for a work trip on the Oct. 15th, and won't be back until Halloween! So much time to be alone. Ugh. The good news, I guess, is that he's going to be getting Monday and Tuesday afternoon off this week and a day off when he gets back. I think we're gonna try and hit the cheap theater on Tuesday for a little movie matinee. It'll be nice to spend some time with him not during "football hours".
I totally understand the whole feeling of God not wanting you to have a job... nothing but rejections!
10/11/2006 6:01 PM
sorry to hear that things are not going well on the work front. while your sweetie is away think of all the knitting you can work on in his absence.
your secret sender
10/12/2006 12:14 PM
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