Snowmen Eat Banana Bread?
Here is the Banana Bread that I made the other day (you know the one that I braved the blizzard to get buttermilk for?) Oh and by the way, come to find out, you can substitute buttermilk for regular milk with a bit of lemon juice of white vinegar. Grrr! That's ok though, because I had fun using my breadmaker.
Later in the afternoon, when the howling wind had stopped, my neighbors and I went outside to build a snowman. They have a 3 year old (correction: just turned 4!) that has never really seen this much snow. And when I say "This much snow..." I mean more than just a dusting that sticks around just long enough to make a mess. She was so cute and we all had a great time keeping her little hands warm (she didn't have any waterproof gloves yet) and teaching her to make snow angels. The snowman we made was huge, probably over 6 ft tall. The sad part is that for as large as that pile of snow was, you'd think it would stick around. By 8:00 am the next morning, the snowmans head had already fallen off. He, and the rest of the snow, were mostly gone within a couple days, which just proves what freakish weather we have here in Colorado. I mean you can see in the picture, that the skies were already turning clear and blue by 4:00 pm that day.
Anyway, after an hour or so romping in the snow, we all headed inside to share some of my fresh baked banana bread and a cup of hot cocoa. Boy did that hit the spot!
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