A blog about, well, anything really!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Knitters With Altitude -- Week 3 (The Llama Store!)

Ok, so I know I’ve been a HORRIBLE blogger and I so deserve a digital flogging, but it just hasn’t seemed like much has gone on to write about or take pictures of (which enables the writing.) And when I do have something to write about, I would rather knit or I just don’t have time to write. Ok, ok, ok, enough of the excuses. Well, I solemnly swear, *fingers crossed*, that I will try my very best to at least post once a week…and on time.

Onward and upward!

Well today was another wonderful knit day, but before we get to that, I must recap from yesterday!

(The room turns misty and we go into a typical flashback sequence…)

It was a LOOOOOOOONNG Friday morning and I was starving. I was also waiting for my dearest love to call and say “Its lunch time! I’ll be over in 5 minutes to pick you up. Where do you wanna go sweetheart?” But all I got was “Sorry it won’t be until after 2:00 pm that I’ll get to leave for lunch.”


So I decided to go pick up lunch and take it to him, so just maybe, he could come home a little earlier if he got more stuff done….NOT! Anyway, so I went and got Chinese food and our favorite eatery down the street, drove over to his work, walked in (he is no where to be found), placed food on desk, proceeded to waste time and steal some of his food, (still no show), close up food, draw smilies on his food box, take another bite of food, close the food and walk out. I come back to the office with my food and find a plea on the KWA message board from Christie to meet someone for lunch. I make a snap decision to get out of the office early. I wrote to her saying that I would meet her at Pikes Perk on Vickers and Academy in about an hour and a half for some knitterly release. We had such a relaxing time just the two of us and we got to know each other a lot better. I brought all my knitting books that I had got from the library to share with her. We found some great ideas and laughed at a few really ugly patterns. She told me how her husband and her had acquired their house, and about the poopiness at her work with a position she had applied for. We had a lovely time just hanging out, sharing stories, and eating cookies for about 3 hours, with only a slight interruption from my mom and a stupid insurance dude that both called and wanted to talk my ear off. By 6:00 pm we were thoroughly relaxed and decided to call it a night. Christie even let me borrow Guillotine to take home for Chris to try before we bought it (as long as I brought it back on Saturday.)

After an entirely too addicting Friday afternoon of knitting, I wasn’t looking forward to wasting a lot of my Saturday morning doing laundry (since I had skipped out doing it Friday afternoon…of course.) Needless to say, I made it out to Falcon by about 11 am. There were still a lot of people there, but a few were getting ready to head out the door. I had a sandwich and looked through the quilt books that Christie had brought for me, then joined the main group. Everyone was doing well and a few had started new projects that looked rather exciting. I made an announcement about the Birthday Bash/Knit Night Movie Marathon that we will have on November 19th (hopefully I’ll remember to take pictures.) We decided that it would be a snacky-potluck/BYOB movie night, and decided on The Princess Bride! I LOVE IT!! Such kindred spirits. Anyway, that should be a good time.

BEST OF ALL THOUGH… Christie took me to The Llama Store!!! OH MY OH MY HEAVEN!

This is the coolest, most friendly little yarn store on the planet… ok, well definitely in Colorado Springs. But it is a little off the beaten path, so I am very glad that Christie drove. The store is located just off Black Forest Road in a little log cabin like shop. The moment you walk in t he door you are bombarded with fiber treasures.

Though the shop is small (four small rooms), they are effectively packed with yarn and fiber of all varieties, tons of knitterly paraphernalia, and dying supplies. There were so many delicious looking yarns that I wanted to buy. It took so much discipline to resist buying any goodies. However, I did fall in love with some gorgeous recycled silk. I don’t know what I’d do with it, but it had so many pretty colors that once I find something to make with it I’m buying some.

Christie and Brie both found things to buy, even though Brie said she wasn’t going to. EVIL CHRISTIE THE ENABLER! In the end, Saturday was spent with limited knit group knitting, but lots of knit group shopping/browsing. It was such an inspiration to go to The Llama Store. I had visions of great projects that I wanted to do. My list is ever growing, AND I have to wonder if all of it is really “necessary.” (Ahhh! Who cares about that, right?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't forgotten about you. My SP I have just had some money issue and money being short. I still owe you 2 packages and 1 package will be sent out next wednesday. I am so sorry about this.

12/10/2005 3:24 PM


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