A blog about, well, anything really!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

In The Beginning...

Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Ok, not really ME per say, but to my blog! Yes, you are witnessing the very beginnings of this experiement in blogging. Though it's the HOTTEST thing since sliced bread, I have been living in a cave and trying my very best to stay there, it is time to break out! It may be tough to get in the habit at first, but I'll give it my best. (Heck, I got nothing better to do besides find a job, train, workout, study for the GMAT, blah, blah, blah...)

So WHAT pray tell am I going to write about? Well, your guess is as good as mine. How about a little of this and a little of that! But what inspired this great experiment you ask? Well, a new obsession with Knitting has drawn me to blogger so I might participate in the ever popular SP7...or 6 if it's not too late. (If only I can figure out how to get in touch with those hip chicks running the shindig! *ack*) Ugh! I suppose I should work on that contact.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to Blog and I hope you come back to visit. :o)


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